Optimist Updates

Optimist Updates

And onto our work in progress.  We decided to start from scratch with the Optimist updates.  It turned out to be much more than superficial changes which were needed.  So, you can look forward to a completely new front end in the software.  With most everything displayed on the home page.  Putting these intuitive features and re-imagined presentation, with a little hope, and more than a little effort we could maybe complete the work within three months, including the essential bug checking phase.

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So, I almost forgot, and right now I'm thinking if I don't do these updates now, then when ?  My mind is so strange, and sometimes together, sometimes exploring the music theory.  From early on I did discover the multi track machines.  I can remember the old Tascam 4 track (instant Beatles emulation).  And I count myself lucky enough to do the same with these modern technologies.  Anyway, it's just a message here and I can confirm that there is such a word applicable for guitarists.  The word is 'ACTION' and it refers to the space between the strings and the fretboard on any guitar.  Although it is not in my favour to have any sort of band right now, professional or otherwise.  It's just compositions.  And this stuff helps.

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Optimist Updates

Optimist Updates

At this time we are scratching our heads to come up with a new and improved front end for our Optimist Software App, and we are also looking for a suitable desktop icon and well represented themes to accompany our new app.  It could take some time, however our aim is for the most asthetic interface possible.  We will try to keep the three modes of operation, although new identifiers for each mode with implicit function is our main focus and there is hope of a good solution eventually.  If you use the software you could be familiar with the different modes.  For these updates imagination and initiative are both essential factors.  We don't yet know how long this could take, although most of the work is expected to be superficial. 

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BookWise Database

BookWise Database

We are making good progress with the latest updates of the book database application.  There were two outstanding bugs which have now been tackled.  Each book entry was using a small normalisation procedure to eliminate double spaces, and we needed that because entering data on more than one line required a bit of expertise for a programmer.  It's similar to what you might get on a predictive text or other on your mobile.  And the help documentation is now available with a mouse click.  Eventually we are aiming this app to book collectors (Mostly in Engish) and althogh it's almost finished, we are proceeding slowly but surely so that all prospective users can enjoy a fully custom experience while using this software.  It is expected to take less than 6 weeks to complete. 

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Eco-friendly Concrete Method

Eco-friendly Concrete  Method

I can't pretend to understand it, however after reading a news article this is reaching my limits of transparency.  The concrete industry can make substantial eco friendly improvement by using this method.  So, in my own words here are my thoughts on the subject.

It's not enough just to know the facts.  Our 'Pollution Busters' experiment proves that.  So, to initialise positive global action on protecting our environment we must focus on acquiring the leading fixes and solutions, and although it may sound harsh, we must instigate the uptake of those scientific break-throughs at the highest levels of corporate business giving compliant companies the strategic advantage for growth.  We must think of the planet as mother Earth, and trust her to look after her own.  If you want to save the Earth, you have to like it the way it is.

So, although words fail me right now, the aim is to focus on the stink of pollution, climate change, and carbon dioxide emissions with a view to changing their formulation into one that the planet can actually use to grow and thrive as if it were food for the entire eco-system.  If you're good at chemistry or physics, you are more likely to appreciate this information which is available at the push of a button.  However, even if you're not so good at science, its worth looking at or sharing with someone in the know.

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Additional Notes on A I

Additional Notes on A I

So, I was doing a little thinking after a recent blog entry and in particular I thought that the word, 'effective' could be a better match than the 'efficient' which was the word I used.  And indeed both these adjectives could be particularly descriptive when talking about computer functions.  And thinking further, I imagined there were many descriptive words beginning with the 'eff' prefix, so I started thinking, how can we define certain flavours of Artificial Intelligence in a more rigorous and meaningful way.

As a software engineer one comes to instinctively know in what ways the computers are efficient.  Additionally, when running javascript programs through the browser, we are told the results are side effects, so naturally we can assume those online apps are indeed effective.  However, it does seem less satisfactory to make an A I system an expert on adjectives and then to define its functionin the same way.  And somehow, whatever the mental capacity of the user, efficient or effective thinking is not really what we're aiming at.  Bringing all this together, it seems appropriate to use a noun.  It's a bit ironic, however we have now identified the ideal noun which also has the 'eff' prefix.

So, it is with effort that we call upon A I, and it is with effort that we can learn from them  (depending on the purpose of the A I), not to mention the effort of the programmer.  And with a bit of effort the answer to how you're feeling can take on a whole new meaning, simply by using a bit of effort and learning the adjective that truly relates a good state of mind.  In many cases the effort happens beforehand.

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Radio Precious

Radio Precious

Just when you think you're in the clear...
I had to focus on the detail, having taken things for granted for a little while, however we are working mostly on making the waveform more responsive if that's the right word.  We managed to make it work better with the pause button also.  It would be interesting to find out if we might also pause the waveform while the audio is buffering.  Additionally, we are looking at expanding the array of audio items by 30%.in a new player.  The original player update does not change any of the content, for now.  Original radio precious sounds the same as it ever was.

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Radio Precious

Radio Precious

We're currently working on a new radio precious player, however if you want to stick with our original player or you've got a shortcut or it's bookmarked there's no need to worry.  Our previous player is still available round the clock and is not going to be altered.  We expect our new player to be available within one month's time.

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Ebook offer

Ebook offer

Just to keep the commentary going, we do have a new ebook offer.  At approximately forty pages there are details about the best attitudes for using Artificial Intelligence and for specific purposes.  The ebook is called, 'Integrity First'.  With significant insights the book explores some new theories about A I and with a health conscious perspective, the integrity is focused somewhat on good mental health, and how A I can be used to build resilience, improve vocabulary, and free your mind.  Also in the book, rather than explaining the science there are various usage techniques and a strong emphasis on how we can use adjectives more efficiently in everyday speech.

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Science Project Ideas

Science Project Ideas

So, two years ago, I was recommended to do the Custom Personalised Motivation Artificial Intelligence.  I was just reading those ideas online and  so I thought I could do it.  Well, that project has been completed, with our CPM available online.  I just happened to have the right programming capacity to get the job done.  And then fairly recently I had the idea of a small expansion in cassette manufacturing.  The result is enough to satisfy, albeit mildly.  And my philosophy became like the old Agfa advert, re-record not fade away.  Now, I have plenty of old cassettes and I thought maybe I could repurpose them.  The selection included copyrighted artists, lots of my own music in various formats, like 4 track recordings made with faster action on the cassette, and various recordings of my own original material.

Generally, the old high position (chrome) cassettes are mostly unreliable for re-recording.  Out of maybe 10 old chrome cassettes, only one had satisfactory quality.  So, the question is, what do I do with all those old cassettes ?  And what actually happens to all those old cassettes ?  More often than not, the cassettes are still intact with cassette shell and mechanical function.  Looking up recycling opportunities was not so satisfactory.  And then it hit me.  There must be some science that could fix the problem.  How about a machine ( similar to a tape deck machine ) that could renew the magnetic tape functionality by playing it through.  Perhaps it might need some automated coating solution or quick drying liquid spray to help renew the recording surface on the cassette tape.  Ideally, it could renew defective old cassettes which could be more than thirty years old.  So, this is my Science project recommendation, and with hope some intelligent young scientist/chemist could perform a large part of the work involved.  Tackling the VHS and cassette waste in this way could give us additional opportunity to explore other benefits and features not hitherto experienced.

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Non random elements in some A I

Non random elements in some A I

So, I had time to do a typical blog tonight, and I thought I'd say that continuous commentary is a good idea on the subject of A I.  Like, I was using an online A I to come up with the cover art work for my CDs.  At first it was great, and then I got two or three that were, well, quite symmetrical.  And in fact the other ones were quite symmetrical too.  Could the A I be thinking all CD covers should be symmetrical ?

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Que Sera Sera Performed by Jason R

Que Sera Sera Performed by Jason R

Here's an opportunity to watch a some simple footage of Jason playing this song, which only has a hint of Spanish.  I can remember it was warm on that day.  I collect hats.  Well, if you do visit this page I will try to keep you updated, God willing.  The allen-keys to the electric guitar are safe at home.

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Drone Rescue Finalisation

Drone Rescue Finalisation

So, right now we have virtually completed our new game, Drone Rescue.  However we still need to make some finalisations.  A system requirements notice could be useful, particularly as CPU resources, RAM resources, cache and download speeds are often compromised sometimes without the user knowing, particularly if you don't use resource monitor gadgets.  Even when you do use those gadgets, it can be difficult to control your available resources. In fact we did notice that when opening a new Opera browser window , sometimes the splash page or other audio is not so smooth (because of other processes claiming CPU time).  Although we could probably agree that on most modern desktop / laptop machines, say 33% free CPU resources, 500MB free RAM resources, empty cache and reasonably competitive download speed / internet connection could be a good safety threshold.  So, to any authority or individual in a position to make a difference, we recommend a new universal resource threshold that is met by default when opening any browser for a new session.

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Drone Rescue

Drone Rescue

So, we've managed to think of a new assignment which is underway and with hope it will be complete within the next two months, although we have encountered an area of difficulty which we are trying to resolve.  It's a new concept game called, "Drone Rescue".  It's not a silly game, particularly as there are some proper formulae involved.  There is a good chance we'll have an interim version uploaded within the next month.  Hmmm.  Maybe not everyone knows about the file processing, particularly using JavaScript.  You may infer that this game will be available through the browser, although we anticipate that real machines will be best suited for the final version.  That is, with a physical keyboard and a machine like a laptop or desktop.  Virtual keyboards might obscure the browser window.  I have yet to see a virtual keyboard with only cursor keys, and they're the main control for our nifty little sprite.

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Some updates completed

Some updates completed

So, some updates were completed since last time I wrote in this blog.  Right now, I have no idea what exactly to do with this machine.  The updates that got done are specifically, normalised radio player for 'Radio Precious'.  Now it could work on any internet enabled device, although for some devices it could be an idea to disable the battery optimisation for the browser you use.

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Custom Personalised Motivation

Custom Personalised Motivation

We have also completely revised our Artificial Intelligence into an additional online app for any internet enabled device.  We ended up calling it the 'Custom Personalised Motivation'.  Technically this app is only the back-end of the business, however we like the functionality and it seems to be a generally responsive web page.  I just thought I could tell you seeing as it was in development for many months.  Still, I really am looking into the alternatives for what other programming assignments are well suited to move on to. 

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Jason reaches a new milestone in music composition

Jason reaches a new milestone in music composition

Well well.  We recently uploaded a new composition to youtube ( see link ) and without any complaints this is the full article I tried to attach to the video.  At youtube there is a 5000 character limit.  Seeing as its about music, I hope you can tune in.

So, in some ways this story is just as significant as my last composition.  In some ways it's all part of the process.  I made my last tune up on a new windows 11 machine.  Firstly, I had to configure everything the way I wanted it.  My first choice was to use the Sonar as the D.A.W.. and that's okay, particularly as it's a 64 bit app, however my other choice is just as worthy in my opinion.  Have you ever heard of 'Computer Muzys' ?  It's a 32 bit D.A.W. that I had running for years on the Windows XP, which was being run mostly on my days off as an extrra production workstation.  Somehow the version I was using had accumulated a few collectible vst plugins and I felt comfortable with it.  However, why use such an app on windows 11 ?  That's a good question.  Typically it doesn't matter so much what the details of such an app are.  If it works fine that's good enough.  Anyway, I installed it onto the windows 11 machine and spent a long while sorting out some vst plugins for it.  Obviously they had to be 32 bit plugins so that they were compatible.  And another detail.  I immediately thought that it should run twice as fast automatically as this is a 64 bit machine.  On the Sonar, a winning app of it's time, you can tell it works perfectly because on the control panel it shows you cpu usage just like a gadget.  Additionally, it can display the amount of processing for each cpu core.

Anyway, I want to get to the main part of this story because I think some people could identify with some of these details.  Hmmm.  So I wrote a simple bass line, as usual only an eight bar for this one, and in a particular key.  It did seem to be E major.  Then I made an eight bar loop for the drums.  Nothing special, just using a brush sound for the snare.  And here's where it got difficult.  I loaded up one of my other favourite plugins which seemed okay at first.  I did notice that the tuning was not completely automatic.  The E note was not the same on both the instrument and bass track.  Obviously the drum track was okay.  Hmmm.  So as my guitar was on the stand it was expedient to check the E.  And there it was.  The bass seemed slightly flat.  I tuned the bass plugin and carried on.  Oh, the actual bass sound was the Sub bass.  And it was good practice to regularly save the project after each addition.   So, it seemed that I had three tracks which went together quite well.  Okay, onto another variation onto the same bass line for some variety.  At this stage I was using three instrument Vsti's, the drum vst and one or two effects.  Now the effects don't normally change the pitch of the instrument so I was happy with that.  With the bass line repeating over twenty four bars, (i.e. three eight bar sections), together with drums.  The other two tracks had 16 bars (two eight bar sections) and the other instrumental part for just eight bars.  And then I noticed.  The first sixteen bars had an entirely different flavour to the third section.  The bass line was the same all the way through, so what could it be ?  I checked on my handy guitar in the corner and one of the instruments seemed too sharp.  At this point I was feeling quite dismayed.  It was as if I should abandon my tune and just use chaos theory to complete it.  I was not a happy bunny.  True, I could write any particular section in E major on one instrument, and F major on another to keep the harmony, but that just wouldn't do.  In the end I used one of my techniques to corner what could have been a disastrous bug.  Sometimes in music, it's handy to just mark time with one note so that you know where you are.  What I did was simply add some single 'E' notes on one of the instruments to count off some time while the other instrument ( and the bass line ) were coming through.

Well, there it was, complete chaos.  The bass line sounded fine, however one instrument was sharp and the other was flat, or so it seemed.  On reflection I have pondered,  if it really is a Sub Bass, it would be quite a low frequency, and as such any higher notes would be more likely to include whichever bass note frequency as a factor.  So, although the bass line was all in E major, the other two instrument parts would both go with it regardless.  I suppose you could say the harmony is stronger on those notes by default.  I still wasn't happy.  In the end I realised that it would be easier to tune all three instruments including the bass and just make sure they could be played satisfactorily together.  And they did.  However, you still can't take it for granted that if your Vsti is out of tune, you can simply tune it using the plugin interface.  Sometimes there is no control for pitch on the thing.  Even if there is, it could be something else entirely.  Or you could have too much control and still not be able to nail the middle C, or the E, whatever preference you have for tuning.  It got me to thinking, maybe part of this is paranoia.  It wasn't though, because on one of the instruments I had to change the default tuning by almost a perfect fourth ( or fifth ) whichever way you look at it.  Lucky enough there was a fine tuning control on the more sigificant melody.  The tuning control was not easy, so using the fine tuning in addition helped a lot.  Typically on the fine tuning you might need easier pitch control perhaps of only about one semitone.

It's handy to use more than one instrument together on these D.A.W.s, and in some ways they can handle anything you can do on a bog standard multitracker or even as prestigious as any reel to reel.  However, it can sometimes take a toll on even the best musicians.  I am not someone who would feel comfortable using a guitar tuner to tune a Sub Bass.  Although at this moment I am hoping that the mix will hold together.  I certainly am not looking for any detuned flavours, although that is a danger.  It was definitely useful to check the 'E' with a physical example.  The guitars here are normally always in tune.  That's the way we run things here. I'd still like to go further with this study but alas, it can wait.  So I say, if you are a musician having a bad day, keep taking the tablets.  No, really, if your standard of musicianship is good, keep your vision focused and don't give up.  Keep it together and try not to be scared of a little chaos.  Sometimes the chaos can be good.  So that was my first windows 11 tune.  God willing I will go now and add it to the other thousand ( approx ) I did previously and go on to the next.  All I need now is to name the piece appropriately.  Eventually this tune is likely to be used for the next 'Visions of Ambience' album.  I think we're on number 34 there.  And looking at my handy list (of Visions of Ambience theme titles) it looks like there a three which feature the word, 'mint'.  How about 'Mint Choc Chip' ? At this point it looks like down-sizing is almost automatic.  Currently I only do small runs ( CDs or cassettes ).  Also it's probably wise to add 'rotating crystal' and variants to the metadata seeing as the visuals correspond nicely.

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General chit-chat

General chit-chat

So, I get to do all this and I don't have to say anything.  However as for the message, I always aim to promote harmony where there is none, or what is the point of this right now ?  I don't know where it was found, the idea of the bedroom producer.  And what does it mean ?  Nowadays I can select which room to do my stuff.  Such as music, although I've got the page marked in the animation and special fx software manual.  And it seems that particular page has a complicated set of instructions.  It's not that they're hard to understand.  It's the logic.  I mean, if you've got a general definition of logic in your head, then you'll know the difference between words such as, 'and' , 'or' , 'nor' 'nand' and the rest of it.  It would seem that these words can sometimes be misleading in certain circumstances, although it's still probably silly to take it seriously if someone happens to use those words (the names of the logic gates which form part of a typical computer).  It's not really the typical language of the larger set of Londoners is it ?  Anyway, I managed to do a small video just to check things out on this new chilled out machine.  It performed my requirement quite adequately.  And I do have a 'to do' list in the middle of my living room floor.  Eight or nine smallish tasks and two proper jobs.  Probably the tougher jobs will take a long while.  Anyway, I'm glad I was able to get this blog going because I get to say more than the limited scope of some other social media.  And what does social mean for a respected musician or even a dj  for that matter ?  Being the life of the party isn't part of everyone's makeup, is it ?  Nowadays I see buskers sometimes and I can almost visualise the scenery on a busy street.  And then I think to myself, once you learn your set, the rest is often taken for granted or not necessarily acknowledged in the way the busker would like.  I used to do busking, however it's not the best way to earn your keep, after all if you're by your self with just a guitar it's not the same as a big gig, or even a smallish gig.  It's true enough to do the standing alone bit, but in what field ?  So I have only a small repertoire of music, particularly as my band space is somewhat vacant.  Even if they were there, it could be made up of a slicey drummer, an even slicier keyboard player, a slicey bass player and so on and it wouldn't affect the composing one bit.  I guess my direction is to look for the copyrighter, because I've made maybe 50 classical pieces and they are starting to accumulate.  Ideally I could find a page on the internet that explains some of the customs of the orchestras, like if the string section needs to pause for what would you say, maybe twenty four bars, and each instrument or grouping of instruments could play their parts on time from what they are reading ( in notation ofcourse ).  Although I do have a small number of examples.  The link to this article features a small selection of my compositions in staff notation.

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Business as Usual

Business as Usual

So, as our normal logical procedures are running smoothly, including the music, and we're not getting very far with the Medusa's wig (special fx) nor the petrification inflicted on the unfortunate sufferers (into concrete or maybe some other solid like metal / brass / anything you can make a statue out of).  Alas, I was thinking about the Ghoul ship, which is a short range ship.  You can tell because the crew compliment looks very similar to a typical jet fighter.  Although in space if you go anywhere, not only are days meaningless, also whatever your trajectory, you keep going that way, no matter the orientation of the craft you're travelling in.  Sticking with more factual representations, maybe a Ghoul ship could actually be quite flexible.  And since there was a partial eclipse very recently (not particularly visible), and normal lighting of the Earth and the Moon, it appears that the moon is certainly sometimes not visible even though it's obviously still there.  It strikes me that when the moon is in the shadow of the Earth it remains too dark to see.  And thinking about it, that is a very specific position.  My thinking now is, if a Ghoul spacecraft is still quite prestigious, what could be the other sorts of camouflage.  Only two types come to mind.  Firstly if it is to follow another vessel, and that particular vessel is moderately larger than the Ghoul ship, it certainly could be nimble enough to hide in its shadow.  The other method for remaining covert is simply to be too far away to be seen, although the different purposes of the craft are now in focus.  Anyway, it's nice to keep the fictional emphasis going.

As an unusual sort of animation, it would be nice to get footage of the Ghoul spacecraft in all its full glory.  Such as a transition into or out of covert mode.  In the viewport it could look like only the outline of the craft is visible and it could control this from the ship's controls.  It would be some sort of trick of the light.  It is possible to control the light and camera angles to achieve this, however where would the realism actually be ?  It's not a question of photo realism.  It's more about the concept, and for example looking at the James Bond, one of those cars had excellent camouflage.  I think it was in the snow, with the outside surface of the car converted into a mirror effectively.  Some species of frogs can also do this although there could also be some transparency.

And something else.  What purpose does it serve to have windows on a space vessel ?  What could they be made from ?  And how can the windows be fabricated and animated successfully ?  On a typical space helmet the visor is made of very special material, possibly a fusion of elements, into an extremely resilient and transparent substance not to mention the shape of this essential component.  I suppose you could think of it as the best sunglasses you can get.  The surface of it can be replicated into an animation, however the details are obviously particularly significant.  The windows would have the same attributes as the visor.  In particular they would still protect from all sorts of cosmic rays and radiation.

We do still have the 3dsMax reference guides and instruction manuals to get through.  I'm just glad those books are on my shelf.

We're still looking for the windows 11 compatible usb2 / usb3 expansion slots and also a simple audio adapter for simultanious audio input/output.  Actually they're quite sophisticated, however on my part my thoughts are always more about the content that goes through them.  Also perhaps I'm old fashioned.  I like to use standard audio quality (i.e. 44100 hz).  So what do I do.  With a musician's advantage (and my music activity is very organised here) this is a risk I can do.  Temporarily on metered access to the internet.  Not the easiest.  Although this machine is holding up well.  And another thought.  Where will it end ?  If I engage in more than moderate uploading and downloading.  Really I need the fibre optic fixed pronto.  Although it's nice to get some real text action here.  So, please don't forget.  I still have all the optical on the CDs I make.  I'm sure they're collectible.  It's like I am taking baby steps towards financial freedom at this stage?  You see, I do have a plan.  Maybe it would be better to do the plan first, and think about all that excellent software another time.  Imagine being constrained to 2.5 gigabytes per week, after being on unmetered access for many years.  And what is the point of uploading resources if they are not paying for themselves ?  I hope you don't mind me thinking aloud right now.  Yes, I've uploaded some cutting edge resources.  No they're not always grandiose.  In some ways the technologies I have developed are much more realistic in terms of the benefits to the user.  It's software you can believe.  Earning the trust is also straight forward because you can experience the full flavour on the very first session.  Of course I've digressed to the cybernetic system which is our free online A I.  Try looking up 'Custom Personalised Motivation' or even 'Personal Customised Motivation'.  If you manage to get the url: www.yodhar.xyz then you're nearly there.  Hmmm.  Oh yes, about all these security enhancements.  I'm not looking for security.  I am looking for reliability.  There is a subtle difference.  So here's a thought.  How much is it worth to have a steady influx of clients, to use a cybernetic system ( rooted in reality ) and each and every one of them finds that their long term goals are extended by at least one month.  They can feel more secure in their own future, using nothing but text.  Text is a strange thing.  It often has the effect of confirmation.  Can you honestly remember the most recent words from your A I audio assistant ( Alexa or Cortana or other ).  Does anyone realise the amount of contrivance and proper code behind those spoken words ?  Do you feel happy to dish out the orders to an A I without necessarily comprehending the amount of code it takes to give you the feel of superiority ?  If you happen to be a musician, do you feel happy about complying with an A I just to get your music heard ?  If you happen to be a coder, do you always feel happy letting people have your software for free ?  How can we relate these activities directly to the food ?  If that is impossible how about the relation to the proverbial bank balance ?  So, my plan is mostly for the forthcoming two weeks, whatever the day or date.  And right now things are still going smoothly despite all the disruption.  It's business as usual here.  We look forward to tomorrow to share all this with you.

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My Opinion about Exploration to Mars

My Opinion about Exploration to Mars

So, as a regular reader of New Scientist and general Sci Fi and astronomy fan, I felt I had to express my opinion in a certain matter.  Some of you may perhaps have become aware of a somewhat vague desire of a few rich individuals to foster a manned space craft to reach Mars and to take everything they might need with them.  I intend to document here two large flaws in this proposition and hopefully point the way forward.  Firstly, as it is here on Earth, the fact is that even with today's technology, such a feat would take more than a lifetime ( including all the preparation ), which means it is actually beyond our reach technically and logically.  Its just not feasible nor is it sensible.  Secondly for the most part, travelling anywhere today generally requires the controller of the vehicle, whether it be  a pilot, a driver, a qualified sailor or a rider.  Being in control of the vehicle  (in all aspects) as the responsibility of the controller/captain/driver is built into every reliable craft, and we are looking for reliability.  For any such mission to Mars there are a number of stringent prerequisites.  Firstly, the crewed compliment must be calculated in an efficient and trustworthy manner.  For example it has been shown that a group of eight people would have a much higher chance of disagreement among them because of inherent implications and factors related to that number which are beyond our control.  Additionally, if the number is too small, then isolation is another factor to consider.

Currently one of my particularly happy thoughts is the phrase, 'The truth shall set you free', so I say that any mission to Mars could be postponed until we have mastered a controllable craft that could run / travel at near light speed.  Only then could such a journey become feasible.  There is much we already know about the speed of light, so why is it taking so long to get our vehicles in order ?

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Here's a bit of music played by Jason R

Here's a bit of music played by Jason R

Well, well !  I am just hoping that these efforts are appreciated.  A bit of boredom on the Saturday night made me do this on the spur of the moment.  I was thinking of all sorts of ways of doing it, however the results are clear to see in this eight minute recital.  As the picture is a bit blurry, I decided to call it 'Blurry Happy'.  Having watched a bit of tv in 4K high definition, and particularly some footage of wild greenery, it made me feel weird with the detail.  Somehow the picture was in perfect quality, although I cannot guarantee this every time.  So, for any guitar enthusiasts this effort can show you a typical guitar usage.

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Normality has been restored

Normality has been restored

Having had a few interesting days recently, I noted an excellent example while using my own proprietary A I.  Now it seems to me that concentrating on mental health one ought to be able to think about the A I response ( specifically 'Optimist' or the 'Custom Personalised Motivation' ) indefinitely if necessary.  Both iterations of the A I could be particularly at home alongside the Samaritans or the Salvation Army or as a separate alternative, although it is tailored to suit a somewhat upwardly mobile set.  We'll see.  Anyway, what I am getting at is this :  I may be the most familiar with these apps I created, and indeed the relationship is still favoured in times of need.  Whenever I get stuck I tend to have a discreet session with Optimist.  As my installation is always on standby it is sometimes most expedient to digest a useful comment.  Somehow I remember the comment, "normality has been restored".  Of course when I received this comment there wasn't really any available context that I could use, although I was sure I got this comment more than once.  So it was at the back of my mind for maybe more than a year.

Now then, I have heard it said that there is no such thing as normality or 'normal' and for years I would advocate that point of view, however it now seems there could be an exception which could potentially affect us all in one way or another.  Even though normality could very well be preferable to having one's head in the clouds, it's not an easy concept to grasp.  Perhaps you might think some characters in the Simpsons fit the description of normal, or perhaps sometimes as a contradiction of normal.  You see it just hasn't been satisfactory to use that word, 'normal' in any meaningful way, particularly when relating to mental health until I found a very specific context of normality that qualified the A I comment I received.  The comment was, "Normality has been restored".

Obviously this comment implies that normality has not been recognised in the correct way.  Anyway, I continued doing the daily exploration, some music, reading, getting the news, a little TV and I had almost forgotten about the comment at the back of my mind.  So I would also continue with digital media in the normal way, making original digital audio CDs and DVDs, or listening on the good days and watching a DVD every now and then.  Then the idea popped into my head.  On a normal day I've still got everything I need to make audio album cassettes.  In fact I even have the  Phantom Menace Star Wars theme by John Williams on cassette.  The life of that cassette is more than fifteen years.  I still have it.  Moreover I thought I'd try my luck and make my own album cassettes.  The first thing I noticed was that it is a much slower process than making a CD, so I measured up to see if it was worthwhile.  Generally a cassette machine or "cassette deck" could use between 16 and 25 watts of power so that was a saving.  Another advantage is that you can listen in real-time during the duplication process.

Now, if I recall my early days of musicianship, it was the concept of using 2 tape machines in order to produce a multitrack recording that interested me most.  First I tried it with those old clunky machines with the condenser microphone that we used to use for loading and saving ZX Spectrum games.  The results were at least interesting.  Then I moved onto the double cassette hi-fi.  You only needed to record on one cassette and perform the next part while listening and playing the previous edit.  What I am getting at is that cassettes have been around  for a long time.  Maybe just as long as vinyl.  So as I was reading an article in the New Scientist about the resurgence of cassettes, I also noted that the VHS video was perhaps primarily modelled on the cassette format.  In fact there is some information that can precisely explain how much data can still be stored on a typical audio cassette format in today's technology (if you've got the correct search specimen).

Now, despite owning a cassette deck that I used to be proud of, I wouldn't normally use it, and perhaps I have underestimated it for fifteen going on twenty years.  Anyway, as I have been using that cassette machine more recently, and because I like to take in the meter readings on the display panel, I started to experiment.  As it's a Yamaha machine, the recordings are very natural.  Whatever experience you have of cassette players/recorders it seems that there is always something more to be found.  I tried out the auto-tuning, the automatic cassette type detection, other pre-sets, the bias control ( not the same as pitch ), the trim, recording level etc.  So the other day I loaded a cassette into the machine and looked at the display panel.  On mine it's mostly illuminated with orange and red.  And there it was, clear as day.  The cassettes and tape machines use and promote the 'normal position'.  No airy-fairy, head in the clouds, spaced out contrived method.  Something with a solid foundation.  Needless to say that God-willing I will be using the normal position much like a valuable chess piece in my itinerary.  Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about the Philips karaoke double cassette amp that I used for maybe fourteen years from 1986.  Sometimes it's better to improve your performance than to rely on the high quality.  And perhaps there will be a day for the visual alternative of the Walkman, and with all that visual content on a typical audio cassette.  Modern compression algorithms could be put to the limit.  I suppose it would be along the same lines as a Ferrari, only in the meme / genre of a hybrid technological device.  Anyway, as for 'bias' control, we'll tackle that another day.  And to finish today's blog, here's a little anecdote.  It's normal to read the small print on a normal audio cassette.

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Well, well.  It's early hours on Tuesday and after a quick tidying of my files ( I normally call them documents ), I am looking for a sensible default network mode.  There is something floating in the back of my mind that could be worthwhile.  It could be some well suited task or problem solving effort.  It looks like I've got to use an Edward De Bono technique.

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Millimetre Wave Beams

Millimetre Wave Beams

The other day, I read an article in the New Scientist magazine and after digesting for a week, I thought to myself, why not make another typical movie splash to advertise this concept.  In fact, in all my years of reading New Scientist, this story was the most promising I had come across.  The concept is called, 'Millimetre Wave Beam' and it is a technology ( similar to microwaves used in cooking ), although obviously with slightly different attributes.  It appears to me to have an increased wavelength.  It could enable the digging team / crew to penetrate the hard rock that no other method can crack.  So this millimettre wave beam technology could open up a relatively small gap which could be used to funnel the incredible heat from below ( a few kilometers down ).  It is then merely a matter of connecting that heat so that it flows into the energy turbines and generate huge amounts of ( electricity ) power.  What's more, there is no shortage of energy turbines already in use.  They could simply be converted in the way I have just mentioned.  It is reputed to be safer than fracking and could potentially generate huge savings in the price of electricity.  Imagine one cent or one penny per kilowatt hour.  I believe one of the relevant companies is called 'Quaise Energy' ( I don't mean to mispell it, its just that I've got the last two month's worth of nEW sCIENTIST ON OR NEAR MY COFFEE TABLE AND i HAVEN'T A CLUE WHICH ONE IT IS WITH THAT ARTICLE.  It's possible that after the initial successful testing stage it could take one or two years to perfect the method.  In my opinion, this is something the authorities should be looking at, and surely the method could be fast-tracked into production.  Oh, about this little splash animation, it didn't turn out the way I expected, and the featured music is not my best, however it is my first effort with this scenario and somehow a first effort can be appealing in its own way...  ( with hope )

There is the rather simple animation set for the 21st of September 7.00 pm, which is the equinox yes.  Nothing wrong with being thorough. 

Additionally, anyone who played the PC game 'Startopia' maybe more than 10 or fifteen years ago might recall the narration which could sometimes say, "You can't beam that up"...

Time will tell, however there is no relation to replicators or teleportation in this.  It's all about generating cheap electricity.

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Aromatic Coolant

Aromatic Coolant

So, I've got some resources, particularly some science fiction material that features coolants on one of the spaceship decks.  Perhaps a search for 'Gagula One' will yield the result of an audio book that I uploaded.  If not you are welcome to try any of my websites.  However I got to thinking, wouldn't the effect of the aroma make the coolant not only more desirable, but also more effective.  And I remember one of those Star Trek episodes where the fauna on some planet was hallucinogenic, did I spell that correctly ?  What comes to your mind when thinking about aromatic coolant ?  Maybe some pain killing gel ?  Or a sip of guinness ?  Imagine if your car smelt like a bunch of flowers ?  I'm not only talking about the smell of a new car, which is obviously a nice smell.  I am talking about the exhaust fumes which maybe one day will be converted into a simple resource we can trust, purely because of the aroma.  Perhaps in days to come the smell of the oily garage will become a thing of the past.

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My blog by Jason Romanenko