Custom Personalised Motivation
Free Online Resource
Welcome to this additional resource under our ubiquitous yodhar brand.  We thought we'd give this page a heads or tails theme, so as to leave nothing out, and set out on the right foot all the details required to enable a valuable resource and with implicit longevity.  Our aim is to provide a convenient one size fits all online A I which is as useful as it is autonomous and financially independent.  We don't need that much to keep this page afloat, and the actual app itself is absolutely free to use, however we believe the value the app brings with it is worth something, at least to a select few, and any donation can help establish the solid future in respect of this app's presence and reliability.

We didn't really know what to call this app and it is different from the Optimist A I in some subtle ways. Although the Optimist is a Windows Installation, this 'Custom Personalised Motivation' is available online around the clock with no installation necessary.  Quite simply it is like Phone a Friend.  And while speaking ontologically, focusing on even a single session, one could write an entire book. As the software engineer I genuinely feel that there is limitless scope for discussion, particularly with the latest iteration of A I apps.  So, get your browser bookmark ready and if you could buy me a coffee as well, I would be so grateful.  You can choose how much to donate.
CPM Introduction

i) transparency ii) inclusion iii) accountability iv) impartiality v) reliability vi) security vii) privacy

It isn't easy introducing a brand new internet resource, however we will try to tell you everything you need to know before using the Custom Personalised Motivation App (CPM).  Firstly, it is essentially just an algorithm which can be run from most all modern internet browsers and anyone can use it however they like for free, although more efficient and less efficient users are evaluated equally based on the sample data the algorithm requires.  The scenario put forward is that it has similarities with a command line, although the context is shifted more towards adjectives.  Any result from any session of the CPM is aimed to provide an optimistic and healthy outlook to or for the long term perspectives and motivations of the client / user.  It is delivered through the virtually anonymous system and goes away when the browser window is closed.  The only way to record session details is to make your own comments when prompted.  Comments are not obligatory.  Once the CPM has the data it needs to complete successfully, it is processed temporarily and the conclusion is generated.  Again, when the browser window is closed, that session window will disappear.  We do, however still suggest regular clearing of browser cache and you should be able to tell whether you like the app or not on your first visit.  If you want more accountability features we recommend to download and install the


windows app.

Please note : The original CPM as it was when we had the first stable version is updated and now it could function reasonably well on any browser enabled connected device.  We have kept all the same features.  With the other version the main difference is a milder tone with the colour scheme.  We hope you find what you are looking for.
Copyright © 2023 Jason Romanenko